Explore of recipe’s collection! Take the decision making out of your next meal. Whether it’s for a weeknight dinner or a special occasion, our collections have a variety of choices for everyone!


Healthy, Alternative Choices

Do you struggle finding time or desire to make healthy meals for you and your family? Learn more about how easy our recipes are and why so many people are raving about the flavor and health effects!

Our wide selection of recipes for variable diets such as the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Low FODMAP Diet make it easy to adjust to the foods you need to support your medical condition.

Intermittent Fasting Protocol

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat but rather when you should eat them. In this respect, it’s not a diet in the conventional sense but more accurately described as an eating pattern.

The Ketogenic Solution

If you’re looking for ways to boost your brain function by supplying it with healthy fats or looking a specific regimen to combat the effects of epileptiform/seizure disorders, then this may be right for you. Take a look through our list of recipes and learn more about the Ketogenic diet!

Autoimmune Paleo Design

Do you ever feel like bloated? Indigestion? Fatigued? Brain fog? increased pain? Poor nutrition is on the rise.These food types can help “Brain-Gut” & “Gut-Brain” dysfunction. This diet may help reestablish you gut microbiome. Please confer with you primary care provider.

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In the United States, 49.7% of the population have blood sugar regulation problems including: Diabetes and Dysglycemia. Many of which lead to chronic disease!

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In the United States, 71.3% of the population’s diet consists of processed and refined foods sources. This diet has promoted elevated cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, and chronic disease.

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In the United States, 30.9% of the population have nutritional and vitamin deficiencies such as malnourishment via non-nutrient dense foods and anemia.

The Low FODMAP Approach

FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, which are short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that are poorly absorbed by the body. Eating foods that are “easy to digest” is a must in gut support!

Brain Injury Repair Guide

According to existing data, more than 1.5 million people experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year in the United States. Mild traumatic brain injuries consist of the majority. It is absolutely vital to have proper nutrition during your recovery. Let us provide the proper fuel for your brain.

Mediterranean Journey

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating based on the traditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Heart disease levels are low in these regions, thus studies found that the Mediterranean diet favors reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Don’t let the frustration of not having an idea for dinner stress you out. Enjoy family time while you cook our easy to follow recipe guides. We promise you will not regret it! Jump in and learn more!

Choose from a wide selection of recipes from a variety of nutritional thought processes. Listen, it’s easy to make things confusing with food. We bypass all the headaches for you while changing your function through nutrition. Worried about your weight? Lose those inches off your tummy today.

Recipes Made Easy

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