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Better than the average

Brain plasticity is the ability of your brain to modify its neuronal connections and re-wire itself to learn a new task or enhance an old one. Each time your body moves or even thinks about moving, there are tens of thousands of neurons sending electrical signals so that errors in movement or thought can be easily corrected by rerouting signals along a different pathway. You might be saying to yourself, “what does this have to do with my health and or learning?”. Well, if we take a deeper look into how our brain actually functions we would see that almost every action is a motor pattern or reaction to one. Thinking, learning, speaking, running, even sleeping all require motor commands that help you thrive and survive in this life.

What makes the brain special is that, unlike a computer, it processes sensory and motor signals in parallel. Plasticity means your brain can strengthen existing connections between neurons and even form new functional pathways. Whether you’re training for a triathlon or learning a new piece of music, your brain needs to refine how it learns that information and how it produces an output; endurance or a symphony.

Your brain’s unique ability to redefine itself is a developmental process that occurs by recalibrating neurons and synaptic connections. Through this process, you progress from the raw, unrefined actions of a novice to a powerful, precise, and efficient thinker similar to that of an expert. Not to mention all the health benefits that follow when your brain is working optimally! Its time to think differently about your health and let your brain learn more about your body today!


Brain Connexion® Practice

Our mission is to present up to date, evidenced-based information. We understand this will help you learn more about your problem / condition. Being informed is your key to health.

NeuroSystems Program©

We have designed something we think our patients will find helpful. If you are an existing patient, please “log in” and take a look through our online library to find your medical records. Your records made simple.

Daily Connexion© Videos

Simple, quick, easy to learn, health tips created for you. Enjoy learning new health-related topics within the comfort of your home. These videos are free and will remain free forever.

Join the Movement. Learn Today.

 We’ve developed something that we believe will be the next phase of your health and learning. You’ll be learning more about your condition from multiple practitioners from around the nation. Guess what? You can access it all by the click of a button. You’re still here? Search around. It only gets better.

Physician & Clinician Interviews

How do you learn from the best clinicians in the world? We’ve derived a solution. Learn from world-renowned leaders in various fields all by a click of a button. Don't wait! If you can't watch we have mp3 available. Go check out these recordings now.

Functional Medicine Forum

Functional Medicine seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties. It treats the whole system, not just the symptoms.

Functional Fitness Solutions

Do you ever feel like you want to start training, but you’re out of your element? Well, let me introduce some strategies to help you along the way.We will dive into different training methodologies as well as demonstrations of correct movements.

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